Citrus Dental

Root Canal, Braces & Implant Specialists

★★★★★ Rated & Preferred by 600+ families in Bangalore.

Our Services

Scaling, Polishing & Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is more popular than ever, from whitening and shaping to closing spaces and re...


Braces are dental tools that help correct problems with your teeth, like crowding, crooked teeth,...

Crowns & Bridges

A bridge is made up of two or more crowns for the teeth on either side of the gap - these two or ...


Denture is a removable replacement for missing teeth and surrounding tissues. Two types of dentur...


Having a tooth pulled is called extraction. Reasons for Pulling Teeth Although permanent teeth w...

Gum treatment

Periodontitis, also generally called gum disease or periodontal disease, begins with bacterial gr...


Dental implants are replacement tooth roots. Implants provide a strong foundation for fixed (perm...

Root Canal

Root canal therapy is a treatment used to repair and save a tooth that is badly decayed or infect...

Tooth Filling

To treat a cavity, we will remove the decayed portion of the tooth and then “fill” the area on th...

Mouth Ulcers

Ulcer in your mouth can make eating and talking uncomfortable. They’re also known as aphthous ulc...

Wisdom Tooth

Poor alignment of wisdom teeth can crowd or damage adjacent teeth, the jawbone, or nerves. Wisdo...

Dental X-Ray & Imaging

Dental X-rays help dentists visualize diseases of the teeth and surrounding tissue that cannot be...

Our Features

Minimal wait time & reschedules

We understand time criticality and tune appointments as per your convenience

Single/Multiple Sitting treatment plans

We do conduct single/multiple sitting treatment plans based on your requirements

Experienced team of dental specialists

We have exhaustive team of experienced & highly qualified dental professionals in Bangalore

Quality Care

Right from day one, our Mission has been to provide quality care in a safe environment

Professional Women staff

We employ all women workers for resident dentists & assistants

Finest clinic around you

Get treated with one of the finest clinics in your vicinity loved by 400+ families near you!

Regularly five-star rated.Every Single Day

Yugarajan Srinivasan logo

Yugarajan Srinivasan

My mom (69 years) require an analysis of her dental cavities, along with root canal treatment, and repair of her teeth bridges. This treatment required multiple visits across a few weeks. On the last day of the treatment (today), I recount an exceptional quality of service offered by Dr. Dimple and her able team.

Sabari Kumar logo

Sabari Kumar

This is a great place to go take care of your teeth. The doctor was very professional examining and providing with solutions by priority. I had to do some cleaning and filling etc and Dr.Dimple Bhatia did a great job, I felt that I was in good hands. She is very gentle, friendly and kind to me. She explained very well what was going on. Thanks to Dr.Dimple!

Surekh S Nair logo

Surekh S Nair

Would highly recommend this place for any dental concerns. I walked in with a tooth ache and a crack in my teeth and the doctor was extremely helpful in getting it fixed. Dr Dimple and her staff is very professional and ensures that you’re taken care of. Had a pleasant experience here and would definitely be visiting.